uvex safety is your expert partner for professional, high-quality PPE. Read the latest news and information about our company, our events and much more here! Other press releases and more information can be found in the “Media” section of our website.
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21. May 2014
Next Level Equipment – redefining performance with uvex i-performance
The uvex i-performance product system supports the natural movement of the human body, reducing pressure and stresses while also maximising comfort. Constant further development of our products is carried out on the basis of the latest physiological research and technology, thereby ensuring optimum performance with quantifiable product benefits.
13. May 2014
BRK Rettungshundestaffel Fürth uses uvex products
My name is Sebastian Erner and I am Head of Training of the BRK Rettungshundestaffel Fürth (Fürth-based squad of rescue dogs aligned to the Bavarian Red Cross). I’ve been working with rescue dogs for nine years.
30. April 2014
x-products,Expert News,uvex Technology
Safety gloves for industrial monitors
Modern computerised production processes and manufacturing plants are increasingly controlled via monitors with touch screens. This technology has so far been widely used on smartphones and tablets. The touch screens recognise finger movements and touch.
24. April 2014
Homestory #2: craft room
Their lives are filled with adventure, DIY, crafts and building, but also saving the day. They rise to the challenge and are always totally committed. Aside from the inherent risks they face professionally, these everyday heroes open themselves up to other dangers away from their jobs, which should not be underestimated.
15. April 2014
Homestory #1: Forestry work
Their lives are filled with adventure, DIY, crafts and building, but also saving the day. They rise to the challenge and are always totally committed. Aside from the inherent risks they face professionally, these everyday heroes open themselves up to other dangers away from their jobs, which should not be underestimated.
19. March 2014
Sustainable production at uvex #2
In mid-February, we introduced you to the main points of the focus on sustainability at our production facility for uvex hearing protection in Sweden. High value is not just placed on sustainable manufacturing in Sweden.