
The coronavirus pandemic and its impact on uvex

The Robert Koch Institute produces a daily analysis of the current COVID-19 infection rates and uses this data to assess the risk to Germany and its citizens. The Robert Koch Institute’s COVID-19 dashboard is kept updated with all the latest information, including the number of new infections, deaths and recoveries each day, alongside a wealth of other useful data for each district and region. This means that you can assess the situation in the area where you and your family live and take the appropriate precautions. To beat this pandemic, we must work together as a community – we need to take care to protect ourselves and others.

According to the BfR Corona-Monitor survey conducted on 11 – 12 May 2021, the majority of people in Germany are taking action to prevent coronavirus infection: 92% of those surveyed reported that they wore a face covering, 79% are staying further away from other people and 77% are washing their hands more thoroughly. Data from within uvex supports these results. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, we have seen an enormous increase in demand for respirators, goggles, disposable gloves and coveralls. We’ve also taken action to ensure that we can continue to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic.