Laser protection training
The ideal training courses in laser protection uvex academy

Laser protection training courses and professional development at the highest level – uvex academy

Since the 1960s when laser technology was first developed, and even more so after the major innovations of the 1980s and 1990s, lasers have offered unrivalled opportunities within a wide range of industries. Today, lasers are a core part of many industrial and medical applications. To optimally protect staff as well as the very expensive machinery, laser protection training is highly advisable, and indeed is often a legal/regulatory requirement (e.g. AsiG – legislation concerning safety at work in Germany/AschG – legislation concerning safety at work in Austria; OStrV – German occupational health and safety regulation on artificial optical radiation; TROS – technical regulation for optical radiation; DGUV – German statutory accident insurance).

The uvex academy offers an extensive programme of laser protection training courses that both help meet legal requirements and provide your employees with the optimal professional development in the field of laser protection.

Laser protection training courses in
accordance with OStrV and TROS specifications

ISO 9001:2015

Professional development courses on laser
protection for beginners and advanced learners

Practical laser
protection demonstrations

All laser protection trainings at a glance

Measurement seminars

Qualification in measuring artificial optical radiation (German)
Enables to obtain the qualification as a qualified person for the measurement of artificial optical radiation according to OStrV § 5

Laser Protection Seminars

 Laser safety tutorial (German)
Fulfills among other things the legally prescribed instruction obligation for employees at laser workplaces
Laser safety officer for technical applications (German)
Enables to obtain the qualification Laser Safety Officer according to OStrV §5
Laser safety officer for technical applications (blended learning - German)
Enables to obtain the qualification Laser Safety Officer according to OStrV §5
Practical training for laser protection officers (German)
Seminar on hazard potential, protective measures and metrological monitoring of laser systems
Set-up and operational safety of laser systems (German)
Teaching knowledge for the safe operation of laser systems according to the regulations 
Laser Safety Officer (English) 
English laser safety officer training

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Occupational Safety Training

Laser Protection Training

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uvex Academy
Siemensstraße 6
90766 Fürth

Telephone: +49 911 9736-1710

An overview of the laser protection training programme at the uvex academy

1-day laser protection training courses

  • Laser protection tutorial
  • Practical training for laser safety officers
  • Applied laser protection for advanced learners

2-day laser protection training courses

  • Laser safety officer for technical applications
  • Commissioning and operational safety for laser systems
  • Laser safety officer (English)

VDSI/VÖSI certified

Certified by the German Association for Safety, Health and Environmental Protection at Work (VDSI) and the Association of Austrian Safety Engineers (VÖSI)

  • VDSI/VÖSI points are available for all training courses
  • Suitable as regular professional development for occupational safety specialists

For more than 15 years, the uvex academy has been your partner for workplace safety training – including professional development in the crucial field of laser protection. We now offer six different laser protection training courses and cover a broad spectrum of areas, industries and levels of experience. The available courses at the uvex academy begin with a laser protection tutorial for beginners, progress on to the practical training for laser safety officers and culminate in the 2-day advanced courses on laser protection. The “Laser safety officer” course also gives your English-speaking staff the opportunity to acquire the appropriate qualification.

The key aims of our training courses are to provide hands-on orientation and practice to help you operate your laser systems safely. Using laser equipment of all kinds requires a high level of technical and organisational knowledge in order to prevent accidents and protect the expensive equipment. Training all laser users with this information, and ensuring that the knowledge they have is updated regularly, is a legal requirement when using certain classes of laser. It is also advisable due to the potential risks involved in laser systems. Even when using lower classes of laser, it is sensible – and sometimes a requirement – to have a nominated laser safety officer.

This is because many Class 1 material processing lasers exceed the exposure limits laid out by OStrV (the German occupational health and safety regulation on artificial optical radiation) during maintenance work, essentially placing them in Class 4 during operation. In this case, safety measures are required, including nominating a laser safety officer in some instances.

If you are not sure whether you need to implement safety measures or nominate a laser safety officer for the operation, maintenance or repair of your laser, don’t hesitate to ask our experts. We are always happy to advise you further!

Laser protection training courses – who is required to take part in training, and for whom is training a good idea regardless of the requirements?

The enormous potential of laser systems means that more and more companies and organisations are opting to buy a laser. Company directors often carry out careful research into laser safety and the relevant regulations – but many do not. Even lower laser classes commonly require special safety measures in certain situations.

That’s why we have put together a short overview of important points and questions on laser safety, training requirements and more, as follows:

  • According to the TROS regulation on laser radiation (Part 3), a laser safety officer is recommended when operating lasers in Class 1M, 2M or the old Class 3A. It is also a good idea to provide users of the laser with an additional training course (laser protection tutorial)
  • If laser systems in Class 3R, 3B and 4 are used, the German occupational health and safety regulation on artificial optical radiation (OStrV) makes it a legal requirement to appoint a laser safety officer in writing
  • Many Class 1 material processing lasers exceed the exposure limits laid out by OStrV (the German occupational health and safety regulation on artificial optical radiation) during maintenance work, essentially placing them in Class 4 during operation. In this case, safety measures are required, including nominating a laser safety officer in some instances
  • No laser safety officer is required if the lasers used are exclusively in Classes 1 and 2 according to DIN EN 60825-1:2008
  • Education and training requirements for laser safety officers as laid out in OStrV and the TROS regulation on laser radiation can only be met in full by attendance at an in-person training course, the minimum duration of which is stated in the TROS regulation on laser radiation. In order to fulfil this requirement and obtain the required expert knowledge, it is not sufficient for the laser safety officer to complete eLearning on its own (DGUV Policy 303-005 Chapter 7)

The benefits of the uvex academy’s laser protection training courses for your company

Whether you need to complete a training course in laser protection to comply with the German occupational health and safety regulation on artificial optical radiation (OStrV) or you want to ensure your employees have the training and professional development they need to work with lasers in an optimal way – the uvex academy is the right choice!

  • In-house (on-site at customers’ premises): 24 events with 625 participants
  • uvex academy: 14 events with 184 participants
  • 6 different training and professional development courses on laser protection
  • Fully equipped laser training centre with laser testing station and much more
  • ISO 9001:2015 certified
  • Courses suitable as advanced training for occupational safety specialists in accordance with AsiG (legislation concerning safety at work in Germany) Section 5 Paragraph 3 and AschG (legislation concerning safety at work in Austria) Section 83 (8). It is recognised by the German Association for Safety, Health and Environmental Protection at Work (VDSI) and the Association of Austrian Safety Engineers (VÖSI) and is worth two professional development points

Create the ideal operating conditions for your laser system now – with the uvex academy’s training courses on laser protection.

Laser protection advanced training
Customer experiences with the uvex academy’s courses on workplace safety

Satisfied customers and course participants speak for themselves. You can read what our students think about the uvex academy here:

After completing this course I now know what I need to focus on when it comes to laser protection and what the tasks and duties of a laser safety officer are. The course was very valuable for my future work.

- M.S. December 2019