FFP1 masks | respiratory protection from uvex
Respiratory protection from atoxic and non-fibrogenic kinds of dust.
FFP1 respirators have a filtering capacity of at least 80% and filter up to four times the respective occupational exposure limit (OEL*). These masks are suitable for particles that are neither toxic nor fibrogenic.
Inhaling may result in development of health conditions; they can also irritate the respiratory system and cause unpleasant odors. The total leakage may amount to a maximum of 25%; this kind of mask may be applied under a fourfold MAK transgression at the most.
So that you can see the protection class at a glance, the marking is blue on FFP1 masks.
*OELs = The occupational exposure limit values (OELs) are the average concentration of a substance in the air in the workplace, up to which no damage (chronic or acute) is to be expected if employees work there for eight hours a day for five days a week. The OELs replace the maximum workplace concentration (MWC) and the technical reference concentration (TRC) – however, as long as both of these values are not yet fully taken into account in the OELs, they can still be used on an interim basis for assessing risks in the workplace.
All FFP1 models
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