Rainer Winter Stiftung

296.996,00 Euro betrug die Spendenausgabesumme der Rainer Winter Stiftung im Jahr 2021. Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1980 hat die Stiftung mit Aktivitätsschwerpunkt in der Region Nürnberg-Fürth bis heute runde 4 Mio. Euro gespendet.

GRI 203-1, 413-1

Klasse 2000

Im vergangenen Schuljahr unterstützte die Rainer Winter Stiftung das Projekt „Klasse 2000" an der Pestalozzischule in Fürth. Hier sollen Grundschulkinder lernen was sie selbst tun können, um gesund zu bleiben und sich wohlzufühlen. Die Corona-Pandemie hat gezeigt, dass die die Stärkung von Gesundheits- und Lebenskonzepten für die Kinder gerade jetzt besonders wichtig ist. Studien zeigen, dass bei ihnen Angstsymptome, depressive Anzeichen und psychosomatische Beschwerden in der Pandemie zugenommen haben. Die Klasse2000-Themen können hier unterstützen, denn gesunde Ernährung, Bewegung, Entspannung und angemessene Formen der Konfliktlösung helfen bei der Bewältigung schwieriger Situationen.


Emergency aid for natural disasters at home and abroad

Following the major flood disaster that struck parts of Germany in July 2021, the Rainer Winter Foundation launched an additional fundraising campaign among both employees of the uvex group and external parties in order to provide emergency aid to support the children affected and facilities for children in North Rhine-Westphalia and Berchtesgaden. According to its charter, Rainer Winter Foundation activities are exclusively dedicated to helping sick or disadvantaged children.

Thanks to the commitment and contacts of colleagues within the uvex group, the Rainer Winter Foundation was able to directly contact the affected families and provide emergency financial aid for their children:

In Schönau/Berchtesgadener Land, two children lost all their toys and clothes, while in Bad Münstereifel seven children were in need of medication and required new clothes and equipment before the start of the school year.

In Mayschoß an der Ahr, new furniture was needed for a pair of siblings, who have now moved in with their grandparents, as their own home has become uninhabitable. In Schleiden-Gemünd, a family was in need of new child seats and a pushchair, as these items were washed away in the family car that succumbed to the floodwaters. The Flohkiste child day-care centre in Leichlingen required financial support to move into temporary accommodation and new child-friendly facilities. All of the soaked furniture had to be burned after drying because the receding floodwaters left toxic residues in their wake.

In Ceva, Italy, where uvex safety Cagi is based, the Rainer Winter Foundation also provided help after another flood disaster in October 2020. A local partner school was supported with a donation of EUR 5.000.